Caring For Hair Extensions in Cold Weather
As the weather gets colder, it’s critical to know how to take care of your hair and hair extensions – it’s almost like you need a hair weather report to manage your mane!
If you’re wondering what happens to your hair during cold months and want to understand how to best care for your hair, look no further than this blog post.
We’ll discuss how to keep your hair as healthy as possible during chilly months, we’ll break down the myth that hair grows in cold weather, and we’ll of course (!) delve into everything you need to know about hair extensions: What happens if you don’t take care of them properly? What happens if you do?! And more!
It’s cold outside so bundle up, grab your favorite seasonal drink (we love a peppermint mocha), and dive in!
Here’s What Happens to Your Hair (and Hair Extensions) in Cold Weather
Have you ever wondered how the weather affects your hair?
Believe it or not, the temperature can impact both your hair and your scalp! And unfortunately, harsh weather can damage your gorgeous locks in ways that are hard (but not impossible!) to recover from.
Here are some ways cold weather might cause a problem for your hair and scalp:
- Cold weather can dry out your scalp, leaving you feeling itchy, frustrated, and uncomfortable.
- The cold weather might dry out your hair, especially if you wash your hair frequently. The problem is, whenever you wash your hair, you strip it of its natural oils and risk letting your hair become dull because it lacks moisture. No one wants lifeless hair!
- The combination of brittle hair and an uncomfortable scalp might lead to a little more shedding than usual. Some shedding is totally normal, but you might notice some additional shedding during the cold and dry winter season.
- If you leave the house with wet hair, your hair might freeze. (No, for real.) This might weaken your hair and make it prone to breakage, which is an easy way to damage your hair.
So yes, cold weather can be a huge problem for your hair and scalp, but it can also impact hair extensions negatively. Wet hair extensions are prone to breakage and shedding, too!
But there’s a proper way to take care of your extensions that will keep them looking healthier longer.
But first, let’s bust a common cold weather myth, shall we?
Myth or Fact: Is There Extra Hair Growth in Cold Weather?
Have you ever heard the myth that you’ll experience more hair growth in cold weather?
Well, truthfully, hair doesn’t grow much quicker in cold weather. Sorry! Hair growth is pretty consistent, despite changing temperatures. So no, there your hair won’t magically experience more growth in cold weather.
Good news though: You can easily grow your hair in cold weather simply by using hair extensions. They’re the high-quality, semi-permanent solution we’re obsessed with! (Go explore some of our favorite clip-in hair extensions now.)
Whether you’re rocking your natural hair or hair extensions, let’s talk about taking good care of your tresses during the winter.
What’s the Hair Weather Report?
Are you wondering how to keep your hair looking beautiful and healthy during the winter months?
Here are a few tips on taking care of your hair during cold weather:
- Protect your hair from extreme weather whenever you can. Cover it up with a hat and a scarf.
- Avoid going outside with wet hair or wet hair extensions. The cold might freeze your hair and leave it prone to breakage. Whenever your hair’s wet, stay inside where it’s warm!
- Only wash your hair when it starts to feel dirty! If you overwash your hair, you’ll strip it of its natural moisture and dull your shine. We suggest using this shampoo and this conditioner for your hair extensions.
- Use high-quality oils! Consider moisturizing your scalp with oil to keep it nice and hydrated.
No More Cold Hair Extensions!
Now that you know how to take good care of your hair and hair extensions, you pretty much have a great hair weather report – no matter the weather!
What other questions do you have about caring for your hair extensions in cold weather? Let us know below!
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