The Benefits of Cold Water on Hair
You’ve heard that myth about rinsing your hair with cold water, right? It's been around for a long, long time. In case you haven’t heard it, it goes like this: Rinsing your hair with cold water is good for your scalp (kind of like how washing your face is good for your face), and your hair grows faster when you rinse with cold water regularly. Some people also claim that cold water rinses the dirt and oils from your hair more effectively.
So is it a myth?! Does rinsing your hair with cold water actually help your hair grow faster? If it’s true, does that mean hot water is bad for your hair? Is cold water better for your hair?! Then how often should you be rinsing your hair with cold water vs. hot water? (So. Many. Questions.)
Let’s get into the nitty gritty of this myth! There’s a lot of confusion around cold water and hair, and we think it’s time to replace your confusion with empowered knowledge. Ready to finally understand how hot water and cold water actually impact your hair? Let’s dive in.
How Does Hot Water Impact Your Hair?
Before we even talk about how hot water impacts your hair and scalp, we have a really important note for you: There’s a difference between warm water and hot water. And boiling hot water impacts your hair differently than lukewarm water.
Warm water usually doesn't negatively impact your hair or scalp. Extremely hot water can be damaging and have negative consequences though. Why, you ask? Well, not only will boiling water burn your scalp (ouch!), but it might also leave your hair dry and brittle. Washing your hair strips some of the dirt and oil to get it nice and clean. Hot water facilitates this process and ensures that all the dirt is stripped from your hair. But super-hot water might strip extra natural oils – the ones your hair needs to maintain its shine – leaving your hair dry and unhealthy.
If that weren’t bad enough, hot water can cause dandruff. Hot water may dry out your scalp, which oftentimes leads to those little white flakes.
One more thing: Hot water may open up pores on your scalp, leading to increased hair breakage (something you definitely don’t want if you’re after healthy hair).
So, yes, extremely hot water impacts your hair and scalp – especially when you opt for a steamy shower on a regular basis. Sure, you want your hair to be clean, but lukewarm water will do a better job than very hot water.
Now that we know hot water is a no-no, you might be wondering: What about rinsing my hair with cold water? Let’s get into it!
Is Cold Water Good for Hair?
This is an age-old question with lots of myths and legends surrounding it, so we’re excited to talk about what’s legit when it comes to cold water and hair.
The truth is cold water just doesn’t wash your hair as effectively as hot water. Hot water facilitates the cleaning process and easily strips oils and dirt from your hair. Cold water doesn’t have the same impact and is much less effective for getting your hair clean.
But! Cold water is good for your hair if you have a dry or itchy scalp. That’s because colder water relieves dry, painful scalps and any lingering itchiness.
Cold water also closes up your cuticles, leading to shinier and more voluminous hair.
There you have it, babe: Cold water is good for your hair, especially if your hair is a bit brittle.
Does Rinsing Your Hair With Cold Water Promote Hair Growth?
Another common question! Unfortunately, there’s no solid research showing that water temperature – hot or cold – actually impacts hair growth. So that just busted the myth about rinsing your hair in cold water if you want it to grow faster.
There are a few reasons to consider washing your hair with cold water though. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of cold water for hair!
How Does Cold Water Help Your Hair? What Are The Benefits?
There are a few ways cold water can help you out, including making your scalp healthier. Cold water also essentially heals frizzy hair, helping to seal in moisture, which leaves your tresses glossier and healthier.
Now that you know cold water is good for your hair, let’s wrap this up: Is hot water good for your hair? Well, no, scalding hot water definitely isn’t. We suggest opting for a lukewarm or even cold temperature when washing your hair for maximum hair health and shininess. Now that you’re a water temperature expert, want to know what to wash your hair with? Learn all about whether sulfate products are bad for your hair here (internal link).
What is your hair care routine for washes? Let us know in the comments below!
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Cold water has been used my my grandmother and sister this where she got it from and I recently started because I remembered I were trying to hurry grow my hair back. So yes cold water to wash but warm at end of rinsing.